Quinnipiac iQ Career and Experiential Learning Lab
Student conducts an experiment in a classroom lab environment.


Interdisciplinary Program for Research and Scholarship

Hands-On Workshop | In the Community

Open to students of all majors, QUIP-RS provides up to $5,000 in funding for undergraduate students to conduct research or complete creative projects alongside faculty mentors. This intensive 8-week program enables students to develop scholarly skills while encouraging discussion about successes and shortcomings with fellows and mentors.

2024 Research Topics

Student Project Major School Mentor
Hunter Axelrod ’25 Investigating the Expression of the Learning Proteins PKA and Synapsin in Tau KO Drosophila after Olfactory Associative Learning Behavioral Neuroscience College of Arts and Sciences Adrienne Betz
Louise Bacon ’24, MS ’26 Observing the Color Preferences of Native Pollinators Biology College of Arts and Sciences Sarah Lawson
Ana Carlos ’25 Exploring Color Magnitude Diagrams for AGN Accretion Disks with Red Shifts between 1.5-1.75 Health Science Studies College of Arts and Sciences Nicolle Granucci
Chelsea Enabosi ’25 The Effects Of The Over expression Of YDJC On The Growth And Proliferation Of Breast Cancer Cells Biology Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine Jerrica Breindel
Andrew Fiocco ’26* Assessing the efficacy of extracted anthocyanins in iron determination compared to currently used reference methods Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences Robert Hansen
Alexandra Kendall ’24, MS ’25 Keeping the Crown: How Industry Leaders Can Remain Ahead of AI Advertising and Integrated Communications School of Communications Katie Place and Victoria Reid
Stephen Kotfila ’25 Investigating the Role of the cp32 pac Site in Phage Packaging Dynamics Medical Microbiology and Immunology School of Health Sciences Christian Eggers
Caitlyn Marrs ’24, MHS ’26 Cloning and Localization of Novel Coxiella Burnetii Effector Protein CBU410 Biomedical Sciences School of Health Sciences Shawna Reed
Tressa Pantalena ’25 Investigating the Role of the Paraventricular Thalamus to Nucleus Accumbens Pathway in Pavlovian-Conditioned Approach Behavior Behavioral Neuroscience College of Arts and Sciences Joshua Haight
Kaylee Pettengill ’27 Structural Variation in Spina Bifida Genomes Biomedical Sciences School of Health Sciences Paul Wolujewicz
Sana Quadri ’26^ Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence: A Cross-cultural Comparison of China and the US International Busines School of Business Mohammad Elahee and Tilo Chowdhury
Bineeth Reddy ’25 ASL insight: Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition with MediaPipe and Deep Learning Computer Science School of Computing and Engineering Chetan Jaiswal
Anthony Siteman ’26 Political Extremism and Online Radicalization: Understanding the Threat and Crafting Communication Strategies Political Science and Public Relations College of Arts and Sciences Candice Travis
Hailey Tolson ’25 Characterizing GPCRs Mist and MsR1 in salivary gland and germ cell migration during Drosophila development Biology College of Arts and Sciences Caitlin Hanlon
Alexander Whitney ’26 Investigating the Influence of miRNA-71 on tir-1 Expression and Aβ Aggregation in C. elegans Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Biomedical Sciences College of Arts and Sciences Alex de Lencastre

Award Winners

* Andrew Fiocco ’26 was awarded Best Undergraduate Presentation in the chemistry category at IFoRE (International Forum on Research Excellence), hosted by Sigma Xi in Washington, D.C. from November 14-17, 2024.

^ Sana Quadri ’26 was the only undergraduate student invited to present in a competitive session at the Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter 2024 Annual Conference in Boston from October 4-5, 2024.

Past Research Topics

Student Project Major School Mentor
Vlora Alka ’24 The effects of acute exercise on working and recognition memory  Biomedical Science and Sociology School of Health Sciences  
Alyssa Arends ’24 Queer temporality, citizenship & the Rohingya genocide Political Science and History College of Arts and Sciences Larissa Pitts, Nita Prasad and Marcos Scauso
Julia Bock ’26 AI for All: Investigating the presence of pore-clogging ingredients within skincare and beauty products using artificial intelligence Computer Science School of Computing and Engineering Chetan Jaiswal
Alina Filandro ’25 The impact of pollinator gardens on pollinator diversity and density Biology College of Arts and Sciences Sarah Lawson
Mackenzie Guthrie ’24 Assessing the role of compost and road salt on heavy metal retention from roadside bioswales. Civil Engineering School of Computing and Engineering John Greenleaf and Kimberly DiGiovanni
Madisyn King ’24 Cognition and Music Preference: Listening that impacts our emotion Health Science Studies School of Health Sciences Jonathan Torres
Aamnah Malik ’25 POLY AI: Polyglot analysis using artificial intelligence Computer Science School of Computing and Engineering Chetan Jaiswal
Teddi Matthews ’24 Characterizing the promoter of the late phage operon ΦBB-1, a bacteriophage of Borrelia burgdorferi Biomedical Sciences School of Health Sciences Christian Eggers
Emina Metjahic ’24 Effort-choice behaviors as the result of early life adversity characterized by maternal separation Behavioral Neursocience College of Arts and Sciences Adrienne Betz and Joshua Haight
Finn Meyer ’26 Film, Television and Media: Transgender representation on screen and its real-world effects Film, Television and Media Studies School of Communications Katie Place
Jenelle Miller ’24 Early life stress as a model of anhedonia in rodent models using effort-choice testing Behavioral Neursocience College of Arts and Sciences Joshua Haight and Adrienne Betz
Amari O'Connor ’24 Social Change Through Media: What does representation mean to you? Game Design and Theater College of Arts and Sciences Abigail Copeland and Jonah Warren
Ryan Sliger ’26 FRIL: Facial feature recognition and implementation for focused learning Computer Science School of Computing and Engineering Chetan Jaiswal
Nicole Wijendra ’26 Investigation of the impacts of physical and chemical properties of soil on NO flux in suburban soils from South Central CT Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences Robert Hanson




Social Enrichment

QUIP-RS is open to students from all disciplines at Quinnipiac from computing and technology to business and the humanities. Research experiences are coupled with a high degree of interaction between all faculty and student participants. With opportunities to unwind during hikes, field trips and sporting events alongside career development events like speaker panels, resume workshops and coaching sessions, QUIP-RS provides a rich interdisciplinary foundation that defines what it means to be a lifelong scholar.

Our Faculty and Staff

QUIP-RS Co-Chairs